Winners of International Cartoon Contest Bride’s Veneration N Macedonia Jury: Mostafa Ramezani, cartoonist (France); Dariusz Dabrowski, cartoonist (Poland); Damir Novak, cartoonist (Croatia); Cival Einstein, cartoonist (Brazil); Stojanche Velichkovski, graphic designer…
Damir Novak
International Cartoon Contest Bride’s Veneration 2019, North Macedonia ICC “BRIDE’S VENERATION is author’s project of Stojanche Velichkovski, implemented by RZR PATNIK Kriva Palanka, under the auspices of the Ministry of…
I CC “BRIDE’S VENERATION is author’s project of Stojanche Velichkovski, implemented by RZR PATNIK Kriva Palanka, under the auspices of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of N Macedonia…
Yesterday received from Slovakia the color catalog of the 20th Novomestsky Osten Cartoon Contest 2019. The 21×14.7 cm sized catalog has 56 pages (last two are left blank!) including the…
PARTICIPATION Everyone can participate regardless of nationality, age, sex or profession. THEME: WATER. ENTRIES Conditions of entry: 1. Original works and digital artworks will be accepted. 2. Entries can be…
Anatoliy STANKULOV, Bulgaria | Arben MEKSI, Albania | Behnam PORMEHDI, Iran | Blaze DOKULESKI, Macedonia | Damir NOVAK, Croatia | Erdogan BASOL, Turkey Fatemeh LOTFOLLAH ZADEH, Iran | Furkat USMANOV, Uzbekistan…
First prize: Vladimir Pavlik / Slovakia Second prize: Horia CRISAN & Bogdan PETRY / Romania Third prize: – Major / Czech Republic 4- Tošo Borković / Serbia – Serbia 5-…
A. PARTICIPATIONThe exhibition is open to all authors, regardless of national origin, age, sex or profession. B. TOPIC :W A T E R C. WORKSThe works must meet the following…
NewsParticipants List
Final List of participants | The 4th International Cartoon Contest Kolasin Montenegro
Final List of participants | The 4th International Cartoon Contest Kolasin Montenegro-2019 1.Ronaldo Cunha Dias -Brasil 2.Keti Radevska – S. Macedonia 3.Mica Miloradovic -Serbia 4.Serhii Fedko-Ukraine 5.Luftu Cakin -Turkey 6.…
Jury Dzhmelik 2019 Result of the competition cartoons Dzhmelik 2019, Ukraine WINNERS Adult catedory Grand Prix – Esmaeil Babaei Iran 1st place – Damir Novak Croatia 2nd place – Selói Peters Brazil 3rd place – Yu Liang China.…