This year, the 9th International Turhan Selçuk Cartoon Contest was attended by 435 cartoonists from 48 different countries with 1687 cartoons. First Prize: Soman TORABİ-IRAN Second Prize: Javad TAKJOO-IRAN Third Prize: Muhittin KÖROĞLU-TURKEY Honorable mentions: 1- Valentin DRUZHİNİN-RUSSIA…
Feridun Demir
Jury Dzhmelik 2019 Result of the competition cartoons Dzhmelik 2019, Ukraine WINNERS Adult catedory Grand Prix – Esmaeil Babaei Iran 1st place – Damir Novak Croatia 2nd place – Selói Peters Brazil 3rd place – Yu Liang China.…
The AAEC/John Locher Memorial Award is accepting submission from young cartoonists beginning today, May 1st, 2019. Click here for complete details. The Locher Award is a contest for aspiring cartoonists, ages 18-25,…
María José Mosquera wins the XII International Contest of Graphic Humor Caragoler The prize will be presented on May 31 during the inauguration of the XL Aplec del Caragol de…
Winners of the main prizes at the International Cartoon Fetival, Ferizaj 2019 – The first edition Congratulations to the winners, thanks to the participants who made this evening great in…
Contest ResultsNews
Results of the 19th World Press Freedom International Editorial Cartoon Competition 2019
Theme: Open season on journalists. They received 370 entries from 29 countries. WINNERS Grand Prize: Luc Descheemaeker, Belgium (Top). Second Prize: Bruce MacKinnon, Canada Third Prize: Gustavo Caballero Talavera (Guffo), Mexico Awards of…
The Winners of The International Tourism Cartoons Competition 2018 Youth Category: Mansion: Emre Barut, Turkey Mansion: Hayrunnisa Firat, Turkey The Grand Award: Elif Kayra Esin, Turkey Adult Category: Mantion: Mete Agaoglu, Turkey Mantion: Sayed Ali…