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Women Cartoonists International Award – 2019

United Sketches International Launched A World Premiere International Cartoon Award Exclusively for Women Cartoonists, a Global Art Movement for Humanity

Logo created by Anne Derenne

After some months working on the concept and wonderful exchanges with Dear Ann TelnaesMarilena Nardi and Anne Derenne, and gathering ideas, I’m very honored to announce the very first International award exclusive to Women cartoonists.

Why for Women Cartoonists ?

– Because the equality is still a dream to achieve in 21st century! “United Sketches” International organization offers this annual award exclusively to women cartoonists to fight patriarchy and inequality.


How to Participate?

All Women Cartoonists without any age restriction are invited to participate, following these regulations:
– Themes for the artworks are two:
“Climate Change” and “Equality”
– The style and technique of artworks are free. Digital artworks and/or scanned version of the traditional artworks must be sent to the official email address of this award. ONLY applications sent to this email address will be considered.
– The digital image files must be at least 300 DPI on their original size.
– The acceptable extensions are JPG, JPEG, TIF, TIFF
– Each participant can send up to 5 artworks for each Theme.
– Each participant must send her short biography in maximum 150 words in TEXT version [not image version] together with her artworks.
– Each participant must send her photo portrait on 300 DPI [minimum] together with her artworks.
– The ONLY email address to participate in this project is:

When is the deadline?

– The last time to participate in the Award is by the midnight of Saturday, 31st of August 2019. Applications sent after this time will not be eligible.

What happens after the Deadline?

– After receiving the applications, a Selection Committee composed of globally known Women Cartoonists, Activists, Journalists, Authors and Public Speakers will choose the “Selected Artworks” and finally choose the “Award Winner[s]” from the Selected Artworks.
– Each participant will be informed of the “Selected Artworks” and later of the “Award Winner[s]” by email.
– Depending on the budget collected by sponsors, there may be an award ceremony in Paris.
– An exhibition will be organized of the Selected and awarded Artworks. The exhibition will start in France and it may travel around Europe and other countries.

How about the Awards ?

– There will be a “Grand Prize” for first choice of the “Selection Committee”. One anonymous donor offered 500 USD for it. We will announce the final number of awards and their amounts, after choosing our official sponsors, partners and the total collected budget.

The Copyrights

– United Sketches International has the rights to use the submitted artworks for the promotion of the Award in forms of poster, banner, etc., in online media, social networks, websites and in its campaigns about the Climate Change, Human Rights, Women Rights and Equality.
– Each selected cartoonist will receive an official certificate of participation from United Sketches International.
– All selected artworks together with the biography and photo of their authors will be published in the official book of the award.
– Each selected participant will receive one copy of the book by post.

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