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winners of the 3rd International Cartoon Festival SMILEANAPA 2019

176 cartoonists from 31 countries

650 works.

the first place :

Temur Kozayev (Russia),

Morhaf yousef(syria)

the second place:

Nima Shakhmurn (Iran)

the third place

Makhmud Eshonkulov (Uzbekistan),

Muzafar Yulchidaev (Uzbekistan).

Audience Choice Award:

Seyran Caferili (Azerbaijan)

Sairan Akindi (India).


Bizarre paintings and a gradually expanding exhibition hall in the Gorteatra.

Among the visitors are people of all ages, from adolescents to older people. They slowly and thoughtfully examine each presented sample, where in a frivolous performance there is a deep meaning. Each illustration in the hall is a caricature, the characters of which reflect an important and acute topic – the theme of corruption, and the exhibition itself is called “Crime and Punishment.” Cartoon Festival “Smile of the Sea” is held in Novorossiysk for the fourth time.

This year, artists from 31 countries sent their works, with a total of 657 works. A competent jury consisting of artists, journalists and cultural representatives selected the best paintings on a given topic that filled the exhibition hall. How exactly the work was selected and by what principle this happened to the Notepad journalist, the exhibition organizer Valery Pavlovich Volkov, a 35-year-old journalist, chairman of the Novorossiysk branch of the Union of Russian Journalists.

– When we say a good picture or a bad one, our opinion is always subjective. Therefore, the work was evaluated by a professional jury, which included 7 people chaired by the academician of the Russian Academy of Arts Igor Smirnov. We invited journalists, artists, gallery owners to the jury, and as a result, thanks to our common work, we selected the winners. For exactly one year we have been engaged in accepting applications and organizing the festival. Artists from all over the world sent us their works on a given topic via Internet resources.

Out of the totality of the works received, the first place was given to a painting by Temur Kozayev (Russia), the second place: Nima Shakhmurn (Iran), the third place Mahmud Eshonkulov (Uzbekistan), Muzafar Yulchidaev (Uzbekistan).

The theme of the exhibition was chosen quite topical and “sick”, because corruption as a virus affects both large cities and small towns, it is almost indestructible. Notepad talked about the “Crime and Punishment” in the framework of the exhibition with the head of the culture department Vyacheslav Matveychuk

– Traditionally, before the day of the city, we hold a cartoon festival “Smile of the Sea”. The theme of this exhibition is very interesting, and we tell about it through the prism of art. This is an alternative opportunity to show everything that is reflected in documents, laws, media and broadcasts. We give an opportunity to think to those who are faced with this topic in their activities, and to those who are only on the way to this, in order to make the right decisions in the future. Everyone coming here will find their perception of this problem. This is also a great opportunity to get acquainted with such a direction of art as caricature.

The solemn part of the opening of the exhibition was held in a very warm atmosphere with songs for the guitar and words of gratitude to the jury members and thanks to the organizers.


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