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Winner of the XII International Contest Snail Graphic Humor 2019 Lleida Spain

María José Mosquera wins the XII International Contest of Graphic Humor Caragoler

The prize will be presented on May 31 during the inauguration of the XL Aplec del Caragol de Lleida

The graphic and master humorist, María José Mosquera Beceiro, has taken the twelfth edition of the International Contest of Graphic Humor Caragoler organized by the Fecoll with the collaboration of the Ermengol School and the sponsorship of Azul Marino Viatges. Mosquera (El Ferrol, 1966) has a long professional career, with numerous awards and national and international awards, and has collaborated in Galician magazines and newspapers. Currently publishes a weekly bulletin at “La Voz de Galicia”, edition Ferrol. This year’s winner has also illustrated comics for children, books and stories and has made several exhibitions. His blog, entitled Sesé’s blog , collects his work that is not limited to graphic humor, but also includes other areas such as manual works, ceramics or various tutorials. . María José Mosquera will collect the prize on May 31, the day of the opening of the Aplec. The prize is 1.012 euros and the trip to Lleida for two people, plus two nights of accommodation (if the winner wishes).

María José Mosquera’s bulletin has been imposed on the 354 drawings presented from a diverse background. From Iran, with 46 participants, to Germany, Argentina, Brazil, China, Indonesia, Mexico, Russia, Ukraine and, of course, Spain. Other participants came from Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Egypt, Jordan and Kazakhstan, among others. In total, 52 different countries. La Fecoll will be exhibiting during the summer a selection of 50 works in the Manolo Calpe room among which there will be the winner.

The jury of the XII International Contest of Graphic Humor Caragoler has been made up of the president of the Federation of Colles of the Aplec, Ferran Perdrix; on behalf of Azul Marino Viajes, Celestí Roca; on behalf of the Ermengol School, Paco Ermengol and as a member of the Fecoll festival committee, Pepe Ibars.

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