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The winners of the first edition of the LIBEX-2018 Competition

After selection 55 vignettes among the 635 received by 260 cartoonists from 55 countries of the LIBEX-2018 Competition on the theme “The Jury has chosen its 15 favorite cartoons and among the three winners:

First award: Nikola Listes- Croatia.

© Nikola Listes

Second prize: Emanuele Del Rosso – Italy

© Emanuele Del Rosso

Third prize: Fadi Abou Hassan / FadiToOn – Norway

© Fadi ToOn

From the Republic of Bari (9/16/18)

The cartoons tell the double face of the Network
by Gennaro Totorizzo
A vignette to tell the two sides of the network.
That potential seems to be harmless, can drift. Liby’s international satirical vignette competition, launched on May 15th by the Librexpression center of the Vagno Foundation, which could be interpreted by anyone, anywhere in the world.
Although the authors come from different countries, they have different needs for expression and speak different languages. Nikola Listes, who won the first place, for example, is Croatian. In New Odyssey he revisited a famous 2001 scenes: A Space Odyssey, with the bone splinters, thrown by the hominid to compose to “snail”.
The Italian Emanuele Del Rosso, second, revives the protest of Tiananmen Square, where the Syrian refugee, now Norwegian, Fadon Toon stretches cloths in the famous “f” of Facebook. All the same as the 14th edition of the Lectorinfabula festival, in which today, at 4 pm in the cloister San Benedetto di Conversano will be honored and commented on their works . The majority of participants, from 26 countries, had a very critical view of the use of digital media, the president of the jury Thierry Vissol – Everyone is afraid of the big companies. Although the sensitivities are different, there is a unity of thought.
“We look for something original.”
Vissol is also editorial director of Librexpression, a satire magazine presented at the festival: “The magazine contains serious articles, and illustrated by cartoonists. It allows you to read something important and continue with the sticker. Satire is made just to touch a problem and induces us to think about it ». Many topics covered: freedom of expression in Spain and Morocco to Brexit, to end the errors of Italian justice.

Among the fifteen best cartoons:

© Guido Clericetti

© Elena Ospina

© nadia Khiari

Also present famous international cartoonists

Fadi Aboi Hassan, Fadi ToOn, Doaa Eladl and Marco De Angelis

Ismail Kizil Doğan, Tjeerd Royaards and Fadi ToOn

The ceremony of “Digital Age” International Cartoon Contest 2018 and announcement of results:
First prize: Nikola Listes- Croatia.
Second Prize: Emanuele Del Rosso -Italy.
Third prize: Fadi Abou Hassan | FadiToOn-Norway.

The Jury members:
-Cristina Castellotti-Journalist (Rai 3 channel).
-Gian Paolo Accardo- Journalist (
-Pietro Ricci – Journalist (La Repubblica).
-Marco Marco De Angelis – Journalist & cartoonist.
-Fabio Magnasciutti-cartoonist.
– Prof. Thierry Vissol – Writer & director of LIBREXPRESSION CENTRO.
Download the exhibition catalog

Librexpression Center website and on social media:

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