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The 6th International Festival of “The Art of Resistance” Iran 2021

The 6th International Festival of “The Art of Resistance” Iran 2021

Deadline: Jan. 5, 2021

Theme: We Defeat Coronavirus & The collapse of US Army or USA diplomacy

1-We Defeat Coronavirus

2-The collapse of USArmy or USA diplomacy!

Terms and conditions of submitting the work:

Participation is open to the public.

Each participant can submit a maximum of 5 works in each section.

The date of creation of the work must be from the beginning of 2017 onwards and has not been ranked in other competitions

– The works must be submitted through the website and should be at least in dimensions of 30 * 20 and in jpg format and with a resolution of 300dpi.

– Completing the registration form and sending the works means accepting the terms and conditions of the festival.

– In case of non-compliance with the rules of the festival, the submitted works will be removed at each level of the festival and its points will be revoked.

– The information of the registration form and the titles of the works are used in the preparation of publishing and exhibition materials, therefore the responsibility for the accuracy of the submitted information is on the participant.

– The use of works for printing in books and other publishing, advertising, database and exhibition items with the name of the owner of the work is allowed for the festival organizers.

– The festival book will be donated to the winners if published.

– All participants whose works are selected in the final round will be given a certificate of participation in the festival.

– Decisions on anticipated and unannounced issues are the responsibility of the festival secretary general.

Film and motion pictures section (motion graphics):

The size and format of the files submitted in this section are in MP4 format and in Hd quality.

Files must be less than 100 seconds long.

The point of view in the form and structure of the works can be varied and chosen by the artist. Formats such as short films from the time of making or producing the work, films from performing images in the form of environmental arts, motion graphics, etc.

Movies must have sound. For example, it is recommended to use narration or sound effects or music.

Works can be performed in groups or individually.

Artists can use the works suggested by the Secretariat to produce motion graphics in addition to their own works.

The festival secretariat has the right to use the works in print and electronic media, information, cultural advertisements and shows inside and outside the country, by mentioning the artist’s name.

All participants whose works are selected in the final round will be given a certificate of participation in the festival.

Festival calendar of the cartoon section of the festival:

Call announcement, 5th of September 2020

Deadline for registration and submission of images of works, 10th of January 2020

Announcement of results and screening of works in February 2021

Cartoon Section Awards:

Foreign winners will be awarded the equivalent of the announced amount of exquisite works of Iranian handicrafts.

Email for sending cartoons or films:

The participants must send their artworks via email to :


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