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The 2nd International Kurd cartoon Forum Iraq | 2020

The art of cartoons an inclusive art inside human daily life.
So for that purpose, the “7 ranga center” as an artistic center will perform “the second International Kurds Cartoon Forum in Suleymaniyah city in Kurdistan the region of Iraq under the theme of ‘Peace’ which’s one of the human demands.
And the International meeting has full quality to use all the cartoon arts that involved for any artistic purpose or making commercial or any other trade use.

Theme: Peace

The terms of Involvement
Cartoonist can be involved with (2) cartoon works.
The works shoıuld be on size A3, also the quality of the works should be on 300DPI.
The works must be new and didn’t show in any other exhibition or festivals.
The deadline for receiving the works is on the 1/3/2020, and after that date we won’t be able to receive any works from you.
If any of the works didn’t include those terms we showed, can’t be received.

In this meeting, the (3) first winners will reward with:
First Prize with (500$)
2nd Prize with (300$)
3rd Prize with (200$)

You can send your works to this email address:
Tel: +9647701563470

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