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The 11th International Eskisehir Cartoon Festival 2020, Turkey

11. International Eskisehir Cartoon Festival
Eskisehir, TURKEY

Dear Cartoonist Friend,
Eskisehir International Cartoon Festival is a cultural organisation organized once in two years by Aktiffelsefe Cultural Association. We organize the eleventh one which started in Istanbul first and then moved to Eskisehir. The themes before were Mixed (1997), East – West (2000), Water and Life (2003), Global Warming (2005), Intercultural Tolerance (2007), Energy (2009), Philosophy (2012), Voluntariness (2014), World Heritage (2016) and the theme of the tenth festival was Black-White ‘Compromise’. The tenth festival was organized in cooperation with Eskisehir City Council and 287 cartoonists from 52 different countries participated with 961 cartoons. Festival took place with a panel and an exhibition held in Eskisehir Haller Youth Center.
The theme of this year’s eleventh International Eskisehir Cartoon Festival has been determined as “Our Differences and Similarities”.
Aktiffelsefe suggests a wholistic development way that can make it possible for both the individual and the society to create solutions for the problems of the modern world by doing voluntary works in different subjects.
With this regard, the idea that the differences and the similarities constitute a way for us to understand all the living things and our place in the whole, that they don’t seperate but unite, form the theme of the 11th International Eskisehir Cartoon Festival.
Hypatia the philosopher who pioneered the education of many people in The School of Alexandria which is known for its famous library and which is one of the most effective institutions in ancient ages, lived in a time when many differences and different views emerged. She tried to prevent these differences from seperating the people and she gave importance to the things that unite us rather than seperate us. With the inspiration of Hypatia, it is worth considering that our differences besides our similarities can unite us and can help us to create a better society.
Millions of sand particles in a beach are different from each other but they can be together in harmony in a whole. We too are one of the millions of different creatures living on earth. Each one of them being unique is a part of harmony on earth. Our differences and similarities are not good or bad, they are natural factors that move us forward when we realize them.
Similarity is a very good opportunity to empower two things. Difference always shows us that there are new things we can learn from another. We think that differences and similarities don’t create a problem, on the contrary, they are indispensable in creating a better society which tolerances different life styles and different points of view. Our starting point is the differences and similarities are natural. We expect your cartoons with the theme ‘Our Differences and Similarities’.
The cartoons that will be exhibited in this festival will also be exhibited later in other cities of Turkey such as Adana, Ankara, Antalya, Bursa, Eskisehir, Istanbul, Izmir, Izmit, Mersin where there are branches of Aktiffelsefe and also in other exhibitions which will be organized abroad by other institutions that collaborate with Aktiffelsefe Cultural Associaton.
• EXHIBITION: There will be an exhibition of the cartoons with the theme ‘Our Differences and Similarities’ on November 2020.
• PANEL: There will be a symposium with the theme ‘Our Differences and Similarities’ with the participation of invited guests from art, science and philosophy branches.
• ACTIVITIES: There will be different activities in the exhibition area.
1. The theme of the exhibiton is “Our Differences and Similarities”. Cartoons with different subjects can not participate in the festival nor the exhibition. Organizing Committee has all the rights. The Committee works under the leadership of the cartoonist Tan Oral.
1. Technique is free. It can be black white or coloured.
2. Size is A4 or A3. Cartoons with sizes other than these will be evaluated but not be exhibited.
3. One or more than one cartoon can be sent.
1. Via E-mail:
The works that will be sent via e-mail should be scanned with 300 dpi resolution and uploaded as JPEG format. (2 MB max.) Names of the works should be as follows: name and surname of the artist_country_work no.jpeg (alikorkmaz_turkiye_1)
2. Via postal office: The works that will be sent via post should not be framed or paspartu. The participation form attached should be filled and resent.
Postal Address: Aktiffelsefe Kultur Dernegi Visnelik Mah. Gul Sok. No:18 26020 Eskisehir – Turkey
1. The works will be archived in Aktiffelsefe International Cartoon Festival archives and will not be resent. (If resending is required, it should be declared.)
• All the rights belong to Aktiffelsefe Cultural Association with the exception of being used with commercial purposes. Aktiffelsefe Cultural Associaiton can publish the works domestic and abroad, can exhibit them, can use them in the published media such as books, catalogs, magazines etc., can send to another association abroad for publishing or exhibiting without commercial purposes. The cartoonist has all the publishing and commercial rights. The cartoons exhibited will be collected in a festival catalog and the news in the press with this catalog will be announced on the website of Aktiffelsefe Cultural Association ( and on the website of the cartoon festival ( Aktiffelsefe Cultural Association is responsible for its own sharings.
1. The deadline for the cartoons to arrive to the Organizing Committee of the Cartoon Festival is
August 15th, 2020.
Participation Form and more on

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