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IV International Caricature Competition on Road Safety Russia 2021

IV International Caricature Competition on Road Safety Russia 2021

Deadline: June 20, 2021


Theme: Road Safety

for holding
the Open IV International Caricature Competition on Road Safety

The Traffic Police Department of Russia in the Tyumen Region, together with the Russian Automobile Federation, organizes the Open International Caricature Competition on Road Safety.

1. Goals and objectives of the Competition
1.1. Goals of the Competition:
preventing traffic offenses, road accidents and reducing the severity of their consequences;
forming stable knowledge of traffic rules, skills of safe behavior on the road, respectful attitude to each other, educating for self-discipline and personal responsibility for actions in the process of traffic;
forming a positive image of traffic police and traffic police officers.
1.2. Objectives of the Competition:
creating a positive public attitude to road safety through humor;
combining the efforts of police officers, artists and cultural workers in ensuring road safety;
developing new forms of cooperation and interaction to promote road safety.

2. Organizers and participants of the Competition
2.1. The competition is held by the Russian Automobile Federation (RAF) and the Russian Traffic Police in the Tyumen region.
2.2. The Competition jury consists of representatives of the RAF, the State Traffic Police of Russia in the Tyumen region, famous people, representatives of public organizations, art unions and the media.
2.3. Participants of the adult section:
Professional artists and amateurs.
2.4. Participants of the children’s section:
The participants can be juveniles under the age of 10 to 18 years.

3. Content of the Competition
The Competition is provided with individually made cartoons, comics (with or without words) representing a satirical or humorous drawing that reflects an ironic, caricatured view of the relations developed through participating in road traffic, on the following topics:
3.1. Adult section:
a call to drivers for being attentive (not distracted) on the road;
a call for being compliant with the speed limit on the road;
ensuring the safety of child passengers;
ensuring the safety of pedestrians;
ensuring the safety of cyclists;
other topics on road safety.

3.2. Children’s section:
ensuring road safety while using personal mobility equipment;
ensuring the safety of road users (pedestrians and cyclists) with the use of retroreflective elements;
a call to drivers for being attentive to children on the road.

4. Competition procedure
4.1. The number of drawings accepted for consideration from one participant is not limited.
4.2. The best cartoons selected by the Organizing Committee will be presented at the Exhibition, which will be held in Tyumen.
4.3. The jury determines the winners in each section (for adult and children).
4.4. The technique of drawing is free and not regulated.
4.5. The drawings are submitted in the form of an electronic file to the e-mail address (JPEG, 300 dpi, at least 3600 pixels on the long axis).
4.6. Each work submitted for the Competition is accompanied by a registration form (Appendix 1). By filling out this registration form, the participant guarantees to the organizers of the Competition that he or she is the author of the submitted work, at the time of sending the materials to the Competition, all intellectual rights belong to him or her and are not burdened with the rights of third parties in any way, as well as gives consent to the storage, processing and the use of personal data by spreading them out to the attention of the unlimited number of people to the extent necessary for fulfilling the terms of the Regulations.
4.7. The criteria of evaluating works: compliance with the topic, the originality of approach to it, creative personality, technique, clarity.
4.8. The results of the Competition are posted on the account of the IV International Caricature Competition on Road Safety in the social networks Facebook,

, and Vkontakte

5. Terms and Deadlines of the Competition
Drawings for the Competition are accepted until June 20, 2021, inclusive.
The results of the Competition will be announced in Jule 2021.

6. Conditions and restrictions for participating in the Competition
6.1. By participating in the Competition, the authors make a significant contribution to the prevention of accidents and reduction of injuries on the roads.
6.2. Submission of the authors ‘ works for participating in the Competition means the author’s consent to these terms and conditions.
6.3. Collective and anonymous drawings that do not contain information about the participant are not allowed to participate in the Competition and are not considered.
6.4. Drawings that violate copyright regulations are not accepted and are not considered.
6.5. In the case of obvious repetitions among the submitted works, the final decision on the caricature is left to the jury.
6.6. In the case of violation of the Terms and Conditions of the Competitions, the cartoons are removed from the contest with an explanation of the reasons.
6.7. Correspondence with the authors is delivered by email:
6.8. Caricatures of participants may be used by the Competition organizers without restrictions for exhibitions, various mass events, publication in media, and the production of printed and visual promotion of road safety.

7. Competition organizers
Develop the Competition Regulations;
register the Competition participants;
accept the competition works;
form the Jury Committee that evaluates the Competition works and determines the winners of the Competition;
hold the Competition, the exhibition of the best works, and the Award Ceremony of the winners.

8. Rewarding the Competition participants
Properly registered and eligible participants will receive an e-card and the certificate of participation.
The winners and prize-winners of the Competition are awarded with souvenirs and visual promotion on road safety.

President of
the Russian Automobile Federation

V. N. Kiryanov
Acting Head of the Traffic Police Department
at the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Russia in the Tyumen region
A. V. Miller


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