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Anatoliy STANKULOV, Bulgaria | Arben MEKSI, Albania | Behnam PORMEHDI, Iran |  Blaze DOKULESKI, Macedonia | Damir NOVAK, Croatia | Erdogan BASOL, Turkey Fatemeh LOTFOLLAH ZADEH, Iran | Furkat USMANOV, Uzbekistan | Hule HANUSIC, Austria | Igor LUKYANCHENKO, Ukraine | Ilya KATZ, Israel | Irien TRENDAFILOV, Bulgaria Jiri SRNA, Czechia | Jitet KUSTANA, Indonesia | Jordan POP ILIEV, Macedonia | Kaan SAATCI, Turkey | Konstantin KAZANCHEV, Ukraine | Leily SALIMI, Iran | Liviu STANILA, Romania Luc DESCHEEMAEKER, Belgium | Maryam KHORAMI, Iran | Michel MORO GOMEZ, Cuba | Midhat AJANOVIC, Sweden | Milan HLEVOVOJ, Serbia | Mileta MILORADOVIC, Serbia Mohsen ZARIFIAN, Iran | Mojmir MIHATOV, Croatia | Musa GUMUS, Turkey | Nikolay SVIRIDENKO, Uzbekistan | Oleg DERGACHOV, Canada | Olexander DUBOVSKY, Ukraine Parisa NOROLLAHI, Iran | Pawel STANCZYK, Poland | Peter NIEUWENDIJK, Netherlands | Petry & Crisan, Romania | Ratko MARICIC, Croatia | Sajad RAFEEI, Iran | Saman TORABI, Iran Sergei SEMMENDYAEV, Ukraine | Shahrokh HEIDARI, France | Shirin GHOLIPOUR, Iran | Sittipunt TUMYING, Thailand | Stojan DECEV, Bulgaria | Tsocho PEEV, Bulgaria Vladimir KAZANEVSKY, Ukraine | Wesam KHALIL, Egypt44

GALLERY: Finalists

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