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Contributing artists and random selection of recent submissions the subject “Brexit”.

More than 1,000 submissions, of which 631 by 231 artists deriving from 58 countries of the world with the subject “Brexit”.

This is so overwhelmingly great! Thank you.

Thus, what is hard and the quality of the cartoon did not help to make the pain of the jury in need of a decision when taking all is not an option. After three sessions it is settled and the jury has found its judgment and chosen the artist’s cartoons are shown in the exhibitions.

49 cartoons from 31 artists deriving from 20 nations to be part of the row of exhibitions.

Among those the jury pleases itself to three with a special recommendation:

– Sunnerberg Constantin, Belgium
– Niels Bo Bojesen, Denmark
– Oleg Yudin, Russia

Al the best,

Guido Kühn

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