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31st International Biennial of Humor in Art-Tolentino / Italy

31st International Biennial of Humor in Art-Tolentino / Italy

Deadline: Oct. 11, 2021


Theme: Envy


The Municipality of Tolentino announces and organizes Biumor 2021 the  31st International Biennial of Humor in Art , a prize competition dedicated to the art of humor.

The competition is divided into two sections:
1 – ” International City of Tolentino Prize ” dedicated to the art of humor on the theme  “Envy” .

Envy  is the desire for the evil of others.

Envy  is the displeasure we feel for the satisfaction of others.

Envy  is the grudge for the successes of our fellow men.

Envy is that interpersonal and social malaise that continues to survive in contemporary society.

Envy (from the Latin in – aversive – and to see, to look against, unfavorably, or precisely to look badly) is a constant of the human soul, a timeless phenomenon that crosses all social groups. The theme is an invitation to think critically about the evil present in our relationships

2 – “ Luigi Mari Award ”, dedicated to the caricature portrait of famous people. As part of the award ceremony, the “Humor on the Net” will be recognized,  dedicated to new postmodern products that break the consolidated models to which traditional comedy has accustomed us.
The competition includes:


Contemporary artists of all nationalities can participate in the competition, without age limits, with a maximum number of three works for each section, unpublished and in original, of free dimensions and techniques, in any form of visual art and any type of material and support: painting, graphics,
sculpture and installation, photography, video. Works of digital art entirely made on the computer and works made from
photographic sources are also allowed as long as the digital intervention is structural, only if also sent in hard copy, signed and numbered by the author


The deadline for admission of the works to the competition is 11 October 2021 . By that date, all the works must reach:

Secretariat of the “31st International Biennial of Humor in Art” – Palazzo Europa – Via Tambroni n. 4 – 62029 TOLENTINO (Italy)

Each author must attach the participation form, completed in every part and duly signed. Each work must be  signed in original  and accompanied by the appropriate coupon.

The works must be sent carriage paid. The works sent will be accepted only if they are not burdened by taxes, customs duties, any other burden borne by the Municipality.


The admission of the works, their selection for the exhibition and the awarding of the prizes are the exclusive competence of the Jury appointed by the Municipal Administration of Tolentino in agreement with the Artistic Direction. The jury’s decision is final and unappealable.


The Jury will award the following prizes:

“International Prize City of Tolentino”  dedicated to the art of humor on the theme  “Envy”

1st Prize – Winner of the Biennale € 3,000.00. In the event of a  tie,  the cash prize awarded will be divided among the winners.

2nd Prize – € 1,000.00.

3rd Prize – € 500.00.

“ Luigi Mari Award”  dedicated to the caricature portrait of famous people

1st Prize – € 1,000.00.

2nd Prize – € 500.00.

Other special prizes  may be awarded by the Jury.


The winning works will not be returned. They will remain the property of the Municipality of Tolentino and will become part of the collection of the MIUMOR – International Museum  of  Humor in Art .

The works expressly donated by the Author  will remain the property of the Municipality of Tolentino, which may freely dispose of them.

The non-donated works  can be collected personally by the artist or his delegate from the MIUMOR starting from February 28, 2022 or they can be returned if the interested party expressly requests it on the coupon attached to the work, not earlier than the thirtieth day following the expected one. closing date of the Biennale, except for extensions.


The Municipality of Tolentino, as organizer of the event, ensures the utmost diligence in the custody and surveillance of the works for the entire duration of their stay at the Biennale headquarters and during the transport phases of the works themselves, however declining any

responsibility for any theft, fire, damage or loss due to imponderable causes that may occur.


Each participant in the competition grants the Municipality of Tolentino the reproduction rights of the works selected for their publication in the official catalog of the Biennale free of charge, in the number of copies that the Municipality deems convenient, for publication on the website and any other form of communication, promotion and activities of the organization.

The Municipality is authorized to publish the work on any medium, including for commercial purposes. The author will be indicated in the reproductions of the work, in the methods of use. The author allows the free use of the work for cognitive, educational, recreational and public enjoyment purposes.

The author of the published work expressly waives any compensation.


Participants in the competition expressly authorize the Municipality of Tolentino to process personal data transmitted pursuant to the Code regarding the protection of personal data, also for the purpose of insertion in databases managed directly by the Municipality or by a person appointed by it.

The Municipality of Tolentino, as organizer of the 31st Biennale, has the right to make a final decision on anything not specified in these Regulations.

The Regulations are published on the website in Italian, English, French and Spanish. In the event of a dispute, the Italian text will prevail.

Participation in the competition of the  31st International Biennial of Humor in Art  implies the unconditional acceptance of all the articles of these Regulations. 


tel 0733.901365 / 0733.969797

e mail:


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