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16th World Press Cartoon Portugal 2021

16th World Press Cartoon Portugal 2021

Deadline: Feb. 1, 2021

Theme: Free


a) The  World Press Cartoon covers three main categories: Editorial Cartoon, Caricature and Gag Cartoon.

b) The World Press Cartoon is not a thematic event. Its objective is to distinguish the best cartoons created and published in 2020.

c) In the category EDITORIAL CARTOON, all entries must represent events and issues that marked the news in 2020.

d) In the category CARICATURE, only works in the strictest sense of the term will be considered, i.e., exclusively humorous portraits.

e) In the category GAG CARTOON, the works to be considered will feature subjects that are not directly related to current issues.

f) Authors are free to submit what they consider to be their best work, although clearly those personalities, themes and events of a more universal nature will be best suited to such an international salon as the World Press Cartoon.


a) The exhibition of the selected works and the awards ceremony will take place on a date to be announced, at CCC – Cultural and Congress Center of Caldas da Rainha.


a) Only the originals of the works will be accepted.

b) Top quality printed versions of works produced by digital or mixed techniques will be considered originals when they are signed by hand by the author, who must indicate the techniques and software used on the competition application form.

c) The original files of works produced by digital or mixed techniques must also be sent, either on CD, DVD or flash drive.

d) The format of the works cannot exceed the European standard A3: 420 x 297 mm.

e) Cartoonists are permitted to submit to the competition one original entry in each of the three categories of the salon: Editorial Cartoon, Caricature and Gag Cartoon.

f) It is an essential pre-requisite for eligibility that the works were originally published between January 1 and December 31, 2020, in printed newspapers or magazines, issued on a regular basis and on sale to the public, or in professional online publications of recognized journalistic nature.

g) As proof of compliance with the preceding paragraph, each original must be accompanied by the respective full page of publication, on which the date and title of the newspaper or magazine is clearly visible (note that cuttings, pasted versions, photocopies or digital prints of the publication are not acceptable).

h) In the case of online publication, each work must be accompanied by a high-resolution printed reproduction of a screenshot of the page on which it was published, in which the date and title are clearly visible, and authenticated on the back by the editor.

i) So as to confirm the admissibility of cartoons published online, it is essential that the link to access the publication page is correctly filled in the registration form and remains functional until March 31, 2021.

j) The author must attach the heading of the newspaper or magazine in which the competing works have been published, with size and quality that allows their reproduction.

k) If the original work appears with a title, caption or any other wording, these must be translated into English, to be clearly written on the identification label that will be sent with the original.

l) Works that compete in Caricature should mention the names of the caricatured persons.

m) Participating works must be received at the organization’s secretariat  by January 31, 2021.


a) Participating works must be posted in flat packaging, between two hard boards.

b) On the packaging, clearly visible, must be mentioned «NO COMMERCIAL VALUE».


a) Each of the works for submission must carry an entry form and identification label, clearly filled in, and attached to the reverse side of the original.


a) The Jury of five members will be presided by the Salon director.

b) The WPC organization, under the management of the chairman of the Jury, shall select the  works to be included in both the exhibition and the catalogue.

c) It is up to the Jury the award of prizes and honourable mentions.

d) The decisions of the Jury will be taken by majority vote and will be final.


a) All of the originals which comply with the terms of eligibility will be returned to their authors, whether they are selected or not to appear in the exhibition, with the exception of the awarded works and the ones distinguished with honourable mentions.

b) All exhibited works will be returned after the closure of the main exhibition in Caldas da Rainha and subsequent tour exhibitions.

c) Digital prints will not be returned.

d) The author must provide his/her full postal address as indicated on the application form, including street, town/city, postcode and country.

e) For the purpose of returning originals and sending catalogues forward, addresses in the form of PO boxes are not accepted.


a) Participants with selected works will receive a copy of the exhibition catalogue.


a) The submission of a completed entry form and identification label will automatically imply the waiving of the author’s royalties vis-à-vis the non commercial reproduction of his/her work.

b) The awarding of a prize to a specific work will automatically imply the waiving of its author’s royalties to the organization of the World Press Cartoon.


a)  In total, 10 prizes will be awarded according to the following structure:

GRAND PRIX    € 10 000 


1st Prize  € 3000

2nd Prize  € 2000

3rd Prize  € 1000

b) Chosen from all the entries in the competition, the World Press Cartoon will award the best work with the Grand Prix of
10000 euros.

c) The Grand Prix winning work will be chosen from the three first-prize winners.

d) The Grand Prix winner will only receive the amount indicated for this prize, i.e., it will not be added to the amount indicated for winning the category first prize.

e) The prize values indicated above refer to gross amounts and therefore are subject to Portuguese taxation at the rate in force.

f ) According to the standard of the works submitted to the competition, the Jury reserves the right not to award prizes in every category and level indicated in the table above.

g) All the prizes will be authenticated with a diploma and the winners will receive a trophy.

h) The nine prize winners will be invited to attend the Awards Ceremony to be held in Caldas da Rainha, Portugal, on a date to be announced.

i) In addition, the Jury is permitted to select other works for the distinction of Honourable Mention, which will be symbolised by a medal and authenticated by a diploma.

j) Award-winning originals and those distinguished with honourable mentions become the property of the World Press Cartoon organization.

k) All authors with works selected for the exhibition and catalogue will receive certificates of participation in the salon.

Entry Form
PDF regulations


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