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«1,5°C» International Cartoon Contest on the topic of ecology and global warming, Russia

«1,5°C» International Cartoon Contest on the topic of ecology and global warming.
1.5 ° C is the most critical indicator of climate change on the planet.
In the UN Paris Agreement, ratified in 2015, world leaders pledged to prevent an increase of the average global temperature by more than 1.5 degrees Celsius(compared top re-industrial levels) in 21stcentury.
Contest Organizer: Russian Ecological Movement -“RED” (
Media partner of the Contest: “Ecosphere” newspaper (
The theme of the International Contest of Cartoon is ECOLOGY. 
Here are the main subjects of the contest:
• global warming and ecocide, 
• reasonable consumption and planet resources, 
• garbage and industrial waste, 
• biological and natural diversity. 
Works performed in the form of a drawing, poster or collage (including using the Photoshop program) are accepted.
 The contest is open to professional and amateur artists from all over the world and to children aged 7 -16 years (a class of their own).
• Grand prize – 350,000 rubles,(about 4.500 $ US).
• Four prizes of 70,000 rubles (about 990 $ US),for each within listed topics.
• One prize of 70,000 rubles (about 990$ US),from the newspaper “Ecosphere” by the results of the readership
• One merit award in the children class.
• Special award from sponsors and partner organizations.
• Diplomas.
Prize money is taxed under current law.
The jury consists of professional artists and representatives of the Russian Ecological Movement.
The jury has the right to change the amount of monetary awards within the limits of the overall funds.
The Chairman of the contest jury is Mikhail Zlatkovsky, professional artist. Members: Alexandrov Vasiliy, Bogorad Viktor, Russia, Kazanevskii Vladimir, Ukraina, Feldstein Andry, USA, Erenburg Baruch, Israel.
Participation rules: 
1. Participants can choose any listed subject, including the main theme.
2. By entering the contest, participant confirms that he or she is the author of the works and agrees that the Contest Organizer has the right to publish works on the Internet or other media, as well as use them in any other way without restriction. By sending works, author submits that Contest Organizer has the right to reproduce copies free of charge for publication on electronic resources, in print media and other sources without additional approvals and rewards. The work submitted to the Contest must not violate copyrights or infringe on the rights of others, violate confidentiality or contain defamation and insult against any company or person. The Organizer of the Competition will not be held liable if the participants do not take these rules into account. Participants pledge to release the Organizer in case of any claims by third parties who have may arise if these conditions are not met.
3. Along with the work, the author must send a completed participant form. This form has to be filled in Russian or English. The author should download the participant form from the website. By sending the completed form, the author or his legal representatives agree to the processing of his or her personal data.
4. Participant should send no less than two, but no more than fifteen works.
5. File name of the works must correspond to following sample: LAST NAME_name_country_work number (PETROV_Ishtvan_Sweden_01).
6. Recommended size of files -3000×2000 px, JPG format. Size of all files together must be LESS THAN 25 MB.
7. Email for sending works:
8. The deadline for sending works is March 01, 2021, inclusively. The deadline for jury decision -March 15, 2021.
9. The works must be signed by the Author. Additional text in the work must be in Russian or English.
10. It is allowed to send previously awarded works.
11. Pre-selected works will be published in the online newspaper “Ecosphere”.
12. The original drawing of the awarded work are the property of the Contest Organizer and must be sent to the Organizer within one month of the announcement to the address:123610, Russia, Moscow, 12 Krasnopresnenskaya embankment (naberezhnaya), Office 1337, Russian Ecological Movement.
Prize payments are made only after the Contest Organizer receives the originals of the awarded work.
13. The decision of the jury is final and not subject to any review.
14. An online catalog of the best works will be published.
15. At the end of the Contest the best works will be displayed at the exhibition.

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